martedì 16 novembre 2010

Once upon a time...


Maria and Mustafa

Bill and Maria

Once upon a time there was a young boy, who studied at Bologna University: he was a Doctor...then he went in America...he met a young girl,she was beautiful, lovely and warm like the Italian sun, her name was Maria.
The two guys , Bill and Maria married just 50 years ago, but only Bill now can remember that day, because Maria nowis in the Heaven...
Bill sometimes is sad, remembering the old days when the couple walked along hands in hands dreaming all their future...I can see Bill picking up some flowers, red roses for her wife, or the twos eating an icecream together looking their dog Mustafa...
But now Bill is alone with his thoughts...
I think Maria is always near him...
And she will kiss his Bill from heaven" See you later my dear Bill!"

2 commenti:

  1. Siamo sicuri che rimarrà commosso quando leggerà questo post! Hai avuto un bel pensiero, ogni tanto anche la nostra mente corre da Bill, proviamo una grande tenerezza per lui ed una grande stima, Bill è un uomo straordinario, con un cuore d'oro, così come lo è Brad. Non immagini quanto siamo felici di conoscere delle persone così splendide!
    Un abbraccio

  2. bellissimo! un abbraccio ad una persona così squisita come te!
